March 1, 2014

Mountains As Far As the Eye Can See...

Pindus mountain range view I

My recent acquisition of a couple of photo manipulating software packages, led to some digging up in my archives in order to check if and what could be done better than with Canon's Digital Photo Professional I have been using up to now. Nevertheless, this would be a long discussion.
But this digging, brought up some older photos shot with a Canon EOS 400D and kit lens during a hike up on the Pindus mountain range on the way to Metsovo, Epirus, Greece. No matter how old, they succeeded exercising a positive influence to my mood compared to looking out of the window into a dark, dull, rainy day. So I decided to share as today is the first calendar day of spring.
Have a nice month everybody, Spring is coming!

Wild flowers aside the mountain road
Sometimes lens flare when shooting against the sun refracts the sun rays in small rainbows.
Camera: Canon EOS 400D
Lens: Canon EF 18-55 IS, Focal Length: 28mm (44.8mm)
ISO: 200, Exposure: 1/160 sec, Aperture: 9.0

Pindus mountain range view II
Mountains as far as the eye can see...
Camera: Canon EOS 400D
Lens: Canon EF 18-55 IS, Focal Length: 24mm (38.4mm)
ISO: 200, Exposure: 1/250 sec, Aperture: 10.0
View of Valia-Kalda on PinPindus mountain range
Camera: Canon EOS 400D
Lens: Canon EF 18-55 IS, Focal Length: 55mm (88mm)
ISO: 200, Exposure: 1/200 sec, Aperture: 10.0

Thank you for viewing.
All Photos ©2009-2014 S.C.Vlachos

Referenced Articles:
Canon EF-S 18-55 mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Kit Lens Reference
Canon EOS 400D /Digital Rebel XTi Reference

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